Monday, November 30, 2009

Goals for This Week

1. Cut clutter and implement an organizational system. I want to do this in at least one room.

2. Clean Carpets.

3. Make a stop at the post office.

4. Make the items on my cooking list.

5. Make doctors appointments. Just regular appointments

6. Slowly wean myself off of caffeine.

7. Start wrapping Christmas gifts.

8. Start decorating for Christmas

I might add to this later, but for now I think this along with day to day stuff will keep me busy enough. I've recruited friends to help me with the organization this week. Hubby offered to help, but it is never a good idea for us to clean together.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Altoid's Recipe

I was looking at a box of Altoids today and realized they only have four simple ingredients. When we got home I googled Altoids recipe and found a recipe that looks promising. Click here if you want to check it out.

Cooking Day Part 3

We were able to accomplish alot of things. The pancakes and breads will have to wait til Friday. I'll have some free time then. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Cooking Day Part 2

We have the syrup and the jello are cooling, the potatoes are in the microwave (for the bread), and we are preparing apples for applesauce.
I'm pleased with the progress we've made so far, and I'm hopeful that we will be able to cross everything off the list.

Cooking Day

My sister is staying here til tomorrow. We decided to do some cooking yesterday. We made banana bread, turkey, gravy, and lo mein. Today we are going to make sandwich bread, sweet potatoe bread, jello, pancakes, and syrup.
We ate one of the loaves of bread for breakfast, the other two are going to my brother's house for Thanksgiving. The turkey is already deboned and in the freezer, ready to be used in future meals. The gravy is going to be used on mashed potatoes this week. The lo mein was just a bribe for my sister so she would help me in the kitchen. The gravy was a spur of the moment decision. I made it on a whim. For a while we didn't think it would turn out, but eventually we got it to decent levels.
The sandwich bread is going to be used for sandwiches we have through out the week. The sweet potatoe breadis something we just wanted to try. We make jello because it is amazing. We are making up an entire box of pancakes mix. We will cook them and divide the pancakes into individual meals sized portions, then we will freeze them for later use. We will be making the syrup from fruit juice, it's an experiment, and hopefully it will be a good one.
That is are plan so far.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shopping Plan for This Week

I haven't seen alot of great deals this week. We've opted to stock up on staples like rice, flour and sugar. I'm going to do inventory this week to see what items we might need and make a plan accordingly.